About Us

At Simp4Jesus, we are passionate about combining faith and fashion. Our brand is dedicated to creating a space where men and women can confidently express their love for Jesus through stylish and bold clothing. With a focus on inclusivity, our designs are gender-neutral, allowing everyone to connect with our message.

Advance the kingdom of God by using fashion and creativity as a gateway to evangelize to the lost.

Our Goal is to create opportunities to enlighten others about our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

Cores Values:

  1. Boldly express our allegiance and alignment with the God of Israel’s laws, statues and commandments
  2. Excel in our stewardship to our spiritual and physical gifts
  3. Be a representation of Christ amongst others glorifying him in all we do (1 Corinthians 10:31)
  4. LOVE JESUS (Matthew 22:37-40) (John 14:15)


Our Goal

At Simp4Jesus, we believe in advancing the kingdom of God by using fashion as a gateway to evangelize and enlighten others about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Our mission is to boldly express our allegiance and alignment with the God of Israel’s laws, excel in stewardship of our gifts, and be a representation of Christ, glorifying Him in all we do.

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